Had a good time at the beach. Used lots of sunscreen but still got a bit too much sun on my face. It's fine this morning. Was glad that I didn't wear my cb to the beach. The water was really cold Sunday. I mean my testicles had all but disappeared. It would have certainly come loose. Monday was a bit warmer but the water was full of stuff (little jellyfish and other creatures, sand, seaweed, etc.) I really needed to shower off after swimming in that.
But when we got home, we found that a tree in the front yard had split and come down, partially in the street. It was 8:00 PM and we only had about half an hour of daylight to get the chain saw out and clear the street. We'll have to get a tree removal service to take the rest of the tree down and remove the debris. It was not too big, just a Chanticleer Pear but had beautiful flowers in the spring.
I put on my cb again this morning. It's funny. Sometimes the ring goes on without a problem. Other times, like this morning, it doesn't want to fit. I got it on and it feels good.
And you thought the title of this post alluded to my morning wood.
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