Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Talk

Sometime way back in this blog, I mentioned that my partner was not particularly into the whole chastity thing. In the four months that I have been using my cb off and on, his basic reaction has been, "I hate it. take it off!" I've tried reasoning, getting him into the keyholder role, showing him websites, being nicer to him, everything I could think of.

Oddly enough, things came to a head once I had my cb off and we were having sex. We had a fight, nothing physical, just a couple of catty queens being sarcastic and cruel. We couldn't talk to each other about the issue like grownups. So, I wrote a two page letter outlining why I enjoyed wearing my cb, why it wasn't harming me physically or mentally and why he should be part of my kink.

After I came home from work last night we sat down and he read from his notes in response to my letter. I won't go into detail about his reasons for hating the whole chastity belt idea. I don't feel the same way but I respect his feelings. Being partners in a committed relationship means you don't always get your way. Love sometimes demands sacrifice.

I'm not happy about giving up my cb but I'd rather give up the plastic rather than hurt my lover. Who knows what the future holds for any of us. But I'm looking around for a new kink that will be exciting for both of us.

Thanks for reading my blog. I don't know if I'll continue it under a more general approach but I welcome your comments and suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I truly respect and support your decision. I hope you continue following my blog and posting your comments. You have given me much need encouragement. I hope we can chat on yahoo soon.
