Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vent Holes

I hate the vent holes on my cb. After a while the skin of my cock pushes out and I get skeeved out by it. It hurts a bit when I remove the tube and there are red marks on my cock for a few hours after I remove the tube. I know that they are supposed to be for ventilation and cleaning but my cock fills the tube and blocks the holes. (And I'm not even the most well endowed guy.)

After a search of the internet and various chastity boards, I came up with several modifications. The first was to place clear shipping tape along the inside of my tube blocking the holes. I did that last night to my cb6000s model and put it back on. Seems to work but I wonder how long that tape will last. I can just see the tape peeling off and my cock skin getting stuck to the adhesive. I then taped the inside of my regular cb6000 model tube and applied silicone filler to the holes. I let it dry overnight and removed the tape. It seems to be OK. I may swap out the tube to the silicone modified tube tonight and see how that performs over time. If it works OK, I'll modify the cb6000s tube. The modification doesn't look great. I wanted to spread the silicone over the top of the vent hole to give it a better grip on the tube. But I'm not walking around showing the tube to everyone and comfort is more important. I'll keep you posted on how it's working.

Of course, I could get a different cb: the Birdlocked or a metal cb. But I decided to wait until at least the end of the year to be sure that I was committed to chastity before making another investment.

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