Friday, December 11, 2015


So, I was locked in my Jailbird for 10 days and started feeling a bit of chaffing along the top right of my ring. So, I took it off and let it heal for a couple of days. When i went to put the cage back on, it was somewhat sore, so I took it off and will give it a few more days to heal up.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Getting Used to Jail Bird

I took a week off from the Jail Bird and went back to my Holy Trainer 2.

Last night I put the Jail Bird back on. It takes longer to put it on but I think that may improve as I get more experience. My biggest problems are getting my balls through the hoop, but that's the problem with all trap ball devices. I am also having difficulty with the security screw. I find it difficult to align the screw with the holes on ring. I'm sure it will be easier as I figure it out.

I had a good night with it on but time will tell.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Boys

I don't think they would like what I do to them.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Jailbird First Impressions

The good news is that my Jailbird seemed to fit very well. I was able to wear it a night, during the day at work and another night. The fit seems about right, maybe a bit tight on the ring but people say that you should err on the side of a smaller ring.

The build quality is excellent. I like the fact that the open tube should allow me to wear the cage for longer periods of time between cleanings. You have to pee sitting down. The "jail bar" construction tends to spray the urine around. My Holy Trainer was built with an end hole that allowed me to pee standing up. Not so here.

The second night I fell some pain under my balls when I had a full bladder but it went away when I got up and urinated.

I got up this morning and exercised, some stretching and exercise on my stationary bike. No problems but afterwards I had pain under my balls where the ring rubbed. I put a bit of baby oil gel under the ring but it didn't help. So I took the device off. I think it's better to take it off for half a day or a day rather than "tough it out" and end up with a longer term injury.

So, I'll keep you posted about my new toy. It's not unusual to have to get accustomed to a new device.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Just got my Jailbird

I just got my Mature Metal Jailbird in the mail! I'm so excited but I have to wait until I get home and and take off my Holy Trainer 2 and put this new metal on. It's surprisingly heavy in the hand.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Leaked a lot early this morning. I didn't have a wet dream, but lots of leaking.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Waiting is like torture

I ordered a Mature Metal Jail Bird a couple of weeks back. It's supposed to take 6-8 weeks to fabricate.

You would think that someone locked up most of the time would be more patient?

Friday, October 9, 2015

Holy Trainer Review (Part 2)

I thought that I would look back at the review I posted of the Holy Trainer II a few weeks after I started wearing it and see if it still holds up.

The answer is yes, the HT2 has been great. Unlike my CB6Ks, the Holy Trainer has not split or shown any sign of wear or tear.

It has remained comfortable to wear. I don't wear it all the time but probably 5 or 6 days per week. I've had no problems, even in the hot summer weather and while exercising. I frequently forget that I have it on, but that may be true of many well-fitting devices.

It does a very good job of controlling erections. Unlike the CB series that seemed to control erections by pulling on my balls until the pain stopped my erection, the HT2 seems to control my erection by not allowing my penis to expand. I can feel the constriction on my penis. It's not painful, it's almost pleasant.

I would certainly recommend the HT2.

Having said that, I have ordered a Mature Metal Jail Bird. I think it's just a male thing. In photography, they call it Gear Acquisition Syndrome. You always want to have the latest toy.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I ordered by Mature Metal Jail Bird - yay!  Now I have to wait 6-8 weeks. Sigh.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Full Metal Jacket

So, I'm thinking about going metal. As Denying Thumper says, "Personally, I wouldn’t cheap out on something that will spend hours and days locked onto what is likely the part of your body you have the closest and most emotional connection to." (His advice is sage; click here.)

I'm thinking about getting the Jailbird. Simple but well built.

Any recommendations?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Does anyone have any podcasts to recommend on male chastity or gay erotica? I have a long commute and listen to podcasts rather than the news which tends to be depressing and filled with commercials.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Autumnal Equinox

Maybe it's the alignment of the heavenly bodies or the much appreciated change in seasons, but I'm feeling rather randy although I've been locked only a day. What's it going to be like after several days? Can I last a whole week? Two? Argh!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

And We're back

Been a while since I've posted. I've been on vacation in the Pacific Northwest. It's beautiful there particularly along the coast. It's dry and in land you can smell the smoke from various fires in that part of the country

I didn't wear my cage, although I could have. I took a vacation from the cage although I did go two weeks without an orgasm. But now I am back in my cage and it feels "normal."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

And the pendulum swings back

In my last post I noted a lack of attempted erections in a while. Thankfully, that changed last night with a series of raging boners trying to break out of my cage. I do love that feeling and frustration.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Maybe it's the heat

I haven't had an ejaculation in over two weeks. I've been lock up most of that time (other than for a couple of doctor appointments and a business trip). Normally, I would be horny as hell. My balls would be blue and I would be wondering about the structural integrity of my cage.

But not so much.

I had a couple of times when the prostate leaked precum in a sticky leak. I've read some porn and browsed some pics of slim twinks, hot daddies, etc. Yesterday I was visiting friends at a lake and I enjoyed a parade of several young men in swim trunks. (Thank goodness for sunglasses, I hope I wasn't too blatant.)

Minimal erections. Perhaps it's summer and my libido is taking it easy. Hope things pick up!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I was working around the house the other day, doing some cleaning when I felt the urge to take a leak. I went into the bathroom, undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, lowered the zipper, and dropped my pants to my ankles. I then lowered my boxer briefs to my ankles and was surprised to see that I did not have my holy trainer two on.

I guess that I forgot that I had it on, but I think that I had gotten to the point where it felt like it was on. Since that time I've tried to notice how it feels to have the cage on or not.. It's certainly a testimony to the makers of the holy trainer that it is so comfortable that you forget you have it on. On the other hand, when you do not have it on and feel like you do, that's something else. Perhaps I like having it on.

Does anyone else have this issue?

Monday, June 29, 2015

SCOTUS Approves Gay Marriage

Congratulations to all those gay couples in states where they can now get married. I guess I have never understood the problem with gay marriage; it doesn't take anything away from straight married folk, it would "improve society" by bringing more stable relationships among gay and lesbian couples. etc.

On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of government controlling marriage. Why should they care? But if they do, it should be equal for everyone.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Still No Relief

I'm locked back up again after a weekend out of the cage but no cumming. Although I have to admit that I've been dripping and leaking like crazy. Couldn't trust myself.

Did I tell you I'm horny? I need to suck a cock or, even better, get fucked good.

Friday, June 19, 2015

I am so fucking horny

I can't believe it. Again last night I awoke hard on pulling on my Holy Trainer. (I got to give it to the manufacturer, it holds up well under pressure.)

Horny all day today, too. I guess I really have a case of the blue balls. I'm keeping myself locked until tomorrow morning when I have to drive 8 hours to Buffalo. I just can't sit in the car that long with my cage. It's the only time it hurts. Maybe I'll take it off but not cum over the weekend and start up again when I get home Monday? Can I do it?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Long Night

Well, it wasn't a long night because I locked myself up Monday evening. I slept well Monday night but last night, I woke up about four times with a cock that wanted to grow and I wanted to pump out a load (or two).

I didn't.

Horny, yes.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Pain in the Back

I almost got up about 4 AM Saturday morning; the cock was straining to grow. Then I thought I felt something wet on my leg. But I drifted off to sleep. When I awoke about 7 AM, I got up and found that I had a nocturnal emission: my shorts were wet and still a bit sticky.

But as I started moving around, I felt a pain in my lower back and my back started to tighten up. It's an old injury that flares up once or twice a year. Too bad. It was a beautiful weekend. In order to head off a long, painful siege, I have to take half a muscle relaxant pill. It works but I'm a zombie for about 24 hours. In fear of having to go to the doctor or ER, I took my cage off. (I was going to take it off to clean anyway.) Not that I could do anything. Having taken the pill, I had no more interest in my cock than doing jumping jacks.

It's Monday and I'm going to see my primary care physician today because my back is still not better, although it's improved somewhat not that I've made an appointment. Maybe I'll lock up this evening.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Holy Trainer 2 Perspective Again

I've had my Holy Trainer 2 since the end of January, 2015 and I have to say that I'm very pleased with this cage. It's simple; only three pieces including the lock and it's easy to put on. (Particularly compared with the cb series).

I find it very easy to put on and comfortable to wear. I sometimes forget that I have it on. Although, if my cock wants to grow, it's constrained by the tube (mine is the small size tube). I don't have that much pull on my balls when I try to get an erection. That's kind of nice at night.

I've had it on now about a week. I was planning to take it off and cum tomorrow but I'm thinking about going longer.

Your suggestions?

PS: I'd like to have a keyholder. Nothing too involved; just someone to push me longer and punish me if I screw up. Could be online. Volunteers?

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

My Male Chastity Blog

Well, not mine. Somebody else. But lots of pictures of locked cocks. And he's over 100 days! My hero.

My Male Chastity Blog

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

And then some days...

And then some days I don't feel all that horny. Today was one of those days and most of the time I just forgot that I had my cage on. And I didn't care much. Just one of those days, I guess.  I've got a busy day tomorrow so I'll probably be distracted by my raging hard on.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Why is this addictive?

Is chastity addictive?

Is that too strong a term? Perhaps more like a habit. Does the buildup of testosterone feedback into my brain to want to do longer chastity?

I took my cage off last Friday night and came shortly thereafter and again Saturday morning. I was so busy this weekend but I was missing my cage and put it on again Sunday evening before I went to bed. It felt so right.

As I write this my cock is straining against my cage just thinking about it.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Delicious Morning Wood

I don't wake up every morning with my cock squeezed in my Holy Trainer and my balls pulled tight by the device, but when it does happen... I love it.

Happened this morning about 5 AM. (I usually wake about 5:15 to exercise and get ready for work). I just lay there for a while while my erection tried to expand. Unlike erections caused for a reason (porn, etc.) these erections are like waves. It's like my erection is disconnected from my mind. Kind of surreal. But pleasant; very pleasant.

Eventually, it will subside, or as in this case, go down because I take a leak.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wheel of Misfortune

I enjoy being locked and I also enjoy taking random bets with myself to see how long I will remain locked, if I can cum and if I suffer a ruined orgasm when I do cum.

I'm usually locked but because I don't have a keyholder (yet), I play an online random game to see if I have to remain locked or can be free. I use this site that I found on

I change the fields and the chances. I usually run with:
1 chance of orgasm
2 chances of ruined orgasm
5 chances of staying locked for one more day

I then run the wheel until I have three of any of the options. Today i "won" stay locked for another day.

Once in a while I change the fields to longer locked periods.

It's kind of fun. Sometimes I play chastity bingo which is also a link from locked4m4.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Online Keyholder?

I'm thinking of searching for an online keyholder. They say that you aren't really locked up in chastity until someone else has they key. I've never had a keyholder.

What do you think? Should I find a keyholder? How should I go about finding a keyholder? I'm on locked m4m and they might be able to hook me up with someone. Would a in-person keyholder be better?

Would you be interested?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Off and On

I've been wearing my Holy Trainer 2 off and on the past month or two. It feels good. Actually, it feels better when I have it on. I particularly enjoy when I wake up about 4 AM and feel the squeeze of my little cock in the cage and feel my balls being slightly pulled.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Tuesday evening I decided to go back into a cage and just for variety I put on my cb6ks. It fit fine. Until Saturday morning. It was about 4 AM and I awoke to some "morning wood." I usually enjoy the unusual sensation of an erection that is not caused directly by mental or physical stimulation. It's purely a hormonal reaction. I can feel my face and upper chest flushing and my cock pushing against my cage.

And they I felt it pinch under the back of my cock. That's different. And then it got worse and I shifted and adjusted but it hurt more. So I got up and it hurt even more. I got up, retrieved my key and took it off. Ow! it scratched all the way off. Nothing serious by my tube had separated at the seam along the bottom rear of the tube. I've heard about this happening before and it is about 3 years old.

I still have my holy trainer 2 which I understand to be a one-piece tube and my original cb6000 standard length tube. Maybe it's time to consider a metal cage?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

6 Weeks and Then

I made it to six weeks just before Easter. Not a personal record but still a long time. But then I had some family issues that distracted me from blogging and frankly put me into a bit of depression. But things are not as bad as they were before.

Although I was taking the Holy Trainer 2 off every three days or so, I still had skin damage and peeling on my cock.

But now I'm thinking about using my cages off and on. I've had it on for three days and nights and will probably take it off this evening. I've got to admit, chastity devices are kind of addicting. What do you think?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Hard test

I think I got hard three times last night: once, before I went to sleep, I was reading a gay novel and had to stop because I was straining so hard against my cage. Then twice during the night my erections woke me. I'll sometimes just let these erections play out. But the first time the ring was pulling so tight on the underside of my ball sack that I got up and tried to pee to relieve the pressure.The third time was about 5 AM and I couldn't believe it was hard again and leaking.

Oh, well.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


It's been a very good weekend. It's the first weekend in six weeks that it hasn't snowed. It got up to 40 degrees F today--almost normal.

I'm still locked and it feels good. Horny, but good. It seems like my balls are a bit looser than they used to be which is good.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Back In

My appointment with the Dermatologist went well--nothing had to be removed. (I have a family history of melanoma.)

And I'm back in my Holy Trainer. I find that I can get into it much easier than my cb6ks because it only has three pieces. While I was out for about 24 hours I think I only had a semi erection while washing in the shower. It wasn't really a sexual erection; more like stretching.

It's been two weeks of no orgasms and except for a couple of days out of my cage for doctors appointments, I'm locked up for lent. About four weeks to go.

I seem to be in the stride where I don't feel particularly horny. But that could change at any moment.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Out for the Doctor

I've got a dermatologist appointment tomorrow morning for a full body scan, so I'm going to be out of my cage for a day. I promise that I won't take advantage of myself.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dirty Pictures

Apparently blogger/google is not going to allow "pornographic" photos and videos on blogs that they host. In spite of the fact that they have an "adult" feature that will protect the general public from such horrors.

I've removed the photos that might offend (there were only two) but I'll probably look around for an adult site.

This type of behavior and efforts to regulate the internet like the FCC, UN and every other government hack that wants to control the world: fuck off.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Back in the Holy Trainer since Wednesday. Two nights in a row I had nice morning wood at about 4 AM. My cock trying to break free but firmly held in place while pulling on my balls. I could feel the flush from the wave of hormones. Sweet.

I know we're not all symmetrical; faces are different one side from the other. One of our balls hangs lower than the other. I "dress left." I think that's why my holy trainer ends up turned along the "roll axis" as I wear it. I find that I have to turn it back and pull my balls around to get it pointing in the right direction. If I don't the curves of the ring don't fit as designed and it pushes up into my taint. I have to adjust each time I take a leak. I guess I didn't notice it as much with the cb6k because it had a round ring.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


I got out for Valentine's Day and even got one ruined and one real orgasm. Wow, it really builds up. I've got a physical exam this week and will probably lock up after that. I miss it, particularly at night.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Holy Trainer Perspective

I've had the Holy Trainer for a couple of weeks and after some initial discomfort, I find it to be relatively comfortable. During the day, I often forget that I have it on. It is significantly less visible than my CB6ks. The "magic lock" helps significantly. I sometimes feel the ring pushing up into my taint when I sit in some types of seating, like my car. I can usually move and compensate.

I've exercised in the HT and find that it is more comfortable than the cb6ks in both body weight exercises like squats, planks, etc. and riding my exercycle.

At night I find that the HT will pull on my balls if I have a moderately full bladder, not just if I'm having "morning wood."

It does a very good job of controlling erections. It squeezes my penis but doesn't have the same crushing sensation on my balls that I have with my cb6ks.

Putting it on is much easier--only three pieces: tube, ring and lock. The cb series is like making a watch. Although putting my junk through the ring is a task take with some care so as not to hurt myself. My testes seem to know that I'm going to put them "through the hoop" and try to hide. But I think that they will get used to it as time goes on.

My cock sometimes feels like it is getting slightly twisted in the tube. When that happens, urinating isn't something that you want to do standing up as the stream goes off at an odd angle or two and you get dribbling. I've also noticed that I may need to twist the ring as it will sometimes rotate through the day. This tendency is somewhat surprising considering the design of the ring.

Anyway, I'll continue to wear the HT and let you know what I think.I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Holy Trainer 2 and me

But google is being prudish and doesn't want graphic photos.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Getting Comfortable with My New Holy Trainer

I guess every new chastity device takes some getting used to. Twelve hours, one day, two days and now it will be four days. Sometimes my comfort level depends on what I'm sitting on. My car isn't that comfortable. My desk chair at home is very comfortable. My chair at work is OK but not great. I was able to buff off a few irregularities, primarily seams which were a bit sharp. I used some 400 grit sandpaper wet. Seems to be an improvement. My "ht" hurts a bit under my balls when I need to empty my bladder at night; more than my cb6ks but that may be getting used to the device.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


The new Holy Trainer didn't last long. I think I scratched myself under the left ball wrestling it on. It turned into a "hot spot" so i ended up taking it off. I'll probably try it again tonight or tomorrow morning.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Holy Trainer

I finally received my Holy Trainer yesterday. (small black tube, 45mm ring and the magic lock). I took off my cb6k last night and milked my prostate last night. When I tried to put the new cage on this morning, the house was rather cold. It's 5 degrees F this morning and the house was still cold. My nuts didn't want to come out to play this morning but I finally was able to put it on. It feels a bit tight but I think it will fit well. It looks very smart!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Locked back up Monday morning. I don't know why, but strapping on the cb6k was a bitch. I misplaced the spacing tube (the little clear thingy) I then found it. The damn pieces didn't want to fit my junk. I almost gave up but then managed to get it on, albeit with some pain and grief. Today was the storm of all time, or something like that. We did get about a foot of snow. Very cold and windy. Thank God I have a neighbor who plows the long driveway! As I was home, I put in the Aneros prostate massage dildo. It is shaped like a finger. I wore it only a few minutes but my prostate did squirt out a fair amount of clear precum. I should probably do it more often. Stay warm, readers.

Friday, January 23, 2015


I cleaned out the old prostate just the other night but today I was reading a bit of porn and I've got this significant wet spot. I felt pressure as my erection was thwarted, but crap! Good think I'm wearing boxer briefs and jeans so the spot isn't really visible unless you were looking.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Out and In

Unlocked myself last night after about 10 days since my last orgasm and "cleaned out the pipes." Wow, lots to clean up. But I'm back in again this morning after a thorough cleaning and shave.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hard Night

4:30 again this morning. A bit of ball crushing. I got some relief by emptying my bladder. Hope my Holy Trainer comes soon. Hope it doesn't not wake me up with feeling locked.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Holy Trainer Ordered

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Why Do I Enjoy This?

Why do I enjoy this? I've been locked for two days and haven't had an orgasm for seven days. Early this morning, about 4:30, I awoke to rather significant nocturnal tumescence (or morning wood). I could feel my cb6ks squeezing my cock and pulling on my balls. It wasn't too painful and I enjoyed it tremendously. I could feel the hormones as my face felt flushed and my heart beat stronger and faster. I eventually sat down to urinate and the erection eased, but it did feel so nice.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Well... That Was a Long Time

Well... that was a long time. I haven't been wearing my cb6k regularly since my last post up until this weekend. Maybe once or twice a year. I've been experimenting with edging and ruined orgasms. Which can be amazing: feeling my hormones slosh back and forth. I don't know why I put the plastic back on again this weekend. But it felt good. "Back in the saddle again."